Why should you have an assessment done?

I have made it my mission to help as many people as possible reduce toxins in their home because it matters. IT matters a lot.

It’s so shocking- But it’s true, only 5%-10% of all cancers are genetic, the rest are due to environmental exposures.

Here are some additional shocking stats:

  • colon cancer is projected to be the #1 killer of people between 20 and 49 by year 2030. 

  • childhood cancer rates have increased 43% from 1975-2018.

  • new study shows drastic increase, 79%, in cancer rates for people under 50 since the 1990s

Studies have found STRONG links between what we are exposed to in our air, food, and on our skin and auto immune disorders, cancers of all types, hormonal disruption, infertility and discord in our body generally.

Studies also show that reducing the daily amount of hormone disrupting chemicals in our system can significantly impact our body and brains ability to function well, heal, fight off disease, age, and create more life.

I tell you this because we have to be our own research team and our own advocates because no one else is doing it for us. In fact, a paper in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine states, “although environmental factors contribute to more than 25% of all global disease, and toxic agents ranked fifth in underlying causes of U.S. deaths in 2000, environmental medicine education is largely omitted in the continuum of U.S. medical education”.

What we bring into our home is SO important.

I𝙣 𝙛𝙖𝙘𝙩 a new study was just released showing that patients studied for breast cancer, when they removed just TWO chemical types, phthalates and parabens, their breast cancer markers reversed in less than one month. WHAT?

Similarly, there is a Berkeley study showing choosing safer options for even just TWO of your daily self care products, can lead to a significant drop in hormone-disrupting chemical levels in your system.

𝙏𝙬𝙤. 𝙎𝙞𝙜𝙣𝙞𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙩. 𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙧𝙪𝙥𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙨. 

 And get this - the Berkeley study was only THREE days long.

 What have we learned? 

The changes can be small, but the impact on your health can happen quickly 

And THIS is why I do this. BEcause I want it to be simple for you. BEcause safer products could change the quality of your life.

I am a Talking Toxins graduate!

Our session will be

  • Personalized

    Our initial session will be dedicated to assessing your current potential toxic risk factors and creating a personalized plan to fit your unique needs and goals.

  • Targeted

    Everyone has unique situations and goals when it comes to detoxing their home and care routines. I’ll work closely with you to help identify your greatest needs and develop a tailor-made plan to best fit your life.

  • Integrative

    Achieving a toxin free home is a journey, and I know how overwhelming and time consuming it can be. My goal is to take the time and overwhelm out by handing you a simple plan, based on your initial assessment, to integrate into your lifestyle as the journey best evolves for you.

How you’ll feel

more confident and clearheaded with knowledge, awareness and simple steps

We start where you want to start

What you’ll get:

  • Initial 30-minute, virtual session

  • Comprehensive toxin reduction assessments of your choice

  • Personalized and integrative tiered plan to simply help you with your toxin free goals.

  • Personalized safe swap shopping list based on plan and assessment

  • 2 weeks guidance and support as additional questions come up via email or Whats App following assessment

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your journey

  • Kitchen

    From dish soap to pots and pans, there are many opportunities to make your kitchen safer.

  • Cleaning + Laundry

    Laundry and cleaning products are one of my favorite places to start on the low toxin journey. The products are inhaled and come in contact with our skin.

  • Beauty + Personal Care for 1 person

    This is my personal passion because the daily use of these products create a large burden on our body. There are so many great options out there-there’s no need to compromise.

  • Kids

    Children aren’t just little adults. Their hormones and bodies are developing and their skin is significantly thinner than ours. This makes the risks of unsafe products exponential.

  • Other

    Choose anything else not on this list you’d like me to review!

  • All Assessments Bundle

    If you’re ready to go all in + save a little money-choose the bundle for a $50 discount


i want to move over to safer products, how do I know where to start?

I honestly asked this question, almost daily, which is why I decided to offer these tailor-made assessments. The best place to start is different for everyone. I’m excited to learn more about you so I can answer this question better for you!

What’s the #1 thing i should watch for on my labels?

Fragrance. Not that it’s dangerous to have things that have a scent, but if the label “fragrance” is listed on the label, you’re going to want to steer clear.

I just….really want to look good and smell good though. do the products you suggest actually work?

Yeeks!!! insert squeal Listen. I would never recommend you use something that makes you unhappy. I believe you can be safe, healthy AND ridiculously happy. oh. and ridiculously hawt. Toxin free does not need to = compromise of any sort and I will work with you to find the perfect safe fits for you!

I have some products that I’m using that are supposed to be safe, can you read my label and tell me?

Yes! Bring to our zoom assessment call! But better yet, I’m going to give you tools so you learn how to read those labels yourself!

Is going toxin free really that important?

I really believe it is. Our body absorbs more into our bloodstream through our skin, than any other organ, and these chemicals aren’t meant to be there. They are shown to disrupt our hormones, weaken our immune system, cause often breast and blood cancer, reproductive harm and cognitive abilities. We need to eliminate that burden on our body as often as possible.

You can find anything on the internet, why should I do an assessment?

OMG right? Yes! you CAN find anything on the internet, literally anything. I will tell you . I’ve done a lot of things wrong. And I’ve wasted a lot of money on products that I thought were safe, and upon further research were not. I’ve also spent so. much. time. scouring the endless black whole of the internet. I would like to be able to just hand you this information to save you time, money and space in your cabinet. And also, I get SUPER excited to share things I’ve found that I love. My standards are high…I’d love to make this simple for you!